3 Men, a Blind Guy, and a Humorless Yankee Fan – A Sports Blog for the Ages

Archive for September 4th, 2008


Posted by Pun on September 4, 2008

OK, I’ve been a Lou supporter during his time in Chicago.  I’ve defended some of his dumb decisions.  But I can’t for the life of me figure out why he didn’t use last night as an opportunity to fire up his team and get kicked out of the game.  You have a lifeless offense out there on the field.  With the exception of Tuesday night, the bats haven’t been awake in almost a week.  Finally, there’s a close play at the plate where Ronny Cedeno appeared to get in in front of the swipe tag, and Lou does nothing but pace in the dugout?  It was the perfect chance!

Run out onto the field!  Scream and yell!  Kick some dirt!  Shit, at the very least, get the home plate umpire to ask for help!  He was clearly blocked from the play with the angle he was at.

Something needs to fire this team up, or they’re going lose sight™ and have a Mets-like collapse.  It worked in June last season.  It may not work now, but, in my opinion, you’ve got to at least try.

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