3 Men, a Blind Guy, and a Humorless Yankee Fan – A Sports Blog for the Ages

Archive for September 8th, 2008

Mets-Phils… the last time at Shea

Posted by Solly on September 8, 2008

Hello reader (s) – we decided to keep a running diary from tonight’s Mets-Phils game.  Enjoy (or try to anyway, especially the post-game stuff).

MightyDerf86 (4:59:13 PM): Hello asshole

MightyDerf86 (4:59:24 PM): “The Phils should win the first game for the good of the blog”
TarheelMike82 (4:59:29 PM): HAHAHAHAHA
MightyDerf86 (4:59:29 PM): FUCK OFF, YES?
TarheelMike82 (4:59:43 PM): Well, that makes for a MUCH more entertaining chat here this evening
TarheelMike82 (4:59:49 PM): Oh absolutely asshole
MightyDerf86 (5:00:01 PM): it makes for a must win game for both teams
TarheelMike82 (5:00:32 PM): Speaking of assholes
MooseheadJack13 (5:00:43 PM): yeah Solly is here
MightyDerf86 (5:00:48 PM): shut it
MooseheadJack13 (5:01:17 PM): the Phillies got shut down by Jamie Fucking Moyer today
TarheelMike82 (5:01:32 PM): Didn’t Jamie Moyer have an ’86 Topps card?
MightyDerf86 (5:01:37 PM): so did the Mets, ace Read the rest of this entry »

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