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Archive for September 10th, 2008

Mixed Feelings

Posted by mooseheadjack13 on September 10, 2008

Ok so the Phillies lost a crucial game to the Marlins last night 10-8.  That sucks, a loss always sucks.  But maybe, just maybe, there was something kind of positive in it?  The Phillies were down 9-1 after about 4 innings or so, and they fought back to make it a game.  That is some kind of plus, right? I mean, most teams would have packed it in, pulled their starters and played this one out.

But then again, it was still a loss.  And with the Mets somehow not imploding (well they did somewhat, they were up 2-0 and 5-2 and blew those leads) and holding on to beat the Nationals 10-8, that puts the Phillies 2.5 back in the division with 17 left to play.  Hey, it was 7.5 back with 17 left to play last year so anything is possible.  We are also only 3 games behind the Brewers in the Wild Card standings, and we start a 4 game series with them Thursday in Philadelphia.  I am sure the Cubs would be thrilled with a Phillies sweep, well listen up Cubbies, we’re not doing this for you!

Seriously, who would have thought that a September series would be so big?  While we are playing the Brewers, the Mets are playing the Braves, who do suck, but somehow have seemed to own the Mets this year.  If the Phillies can do well against the Brewers and the Braves continue their DOMINANCE (well, ok, it’s only 7-5, but still) we could be in good position in both the division and wild card.

Good god, I have been reduced to pulling for the Braves.  I have always liked the…………you know, no, I can’t finish that.

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It’s About Damn Time!

Posted by Pun on September 10, 2008

To add onto the post I just made, this is from today’s Chicago Tribune:

Another blown lead, another missed chance to step on an opponents throat in the middle innings and another loss on the last play of the game left the Cubs gasping again Tuesday night — their eighth loss in nine games finally igniting Lou Piniella’s fury like it hasn’t been ignited since he got to Chicago last year.

”We’re playing like we’re waiting to get beat,” Piniella said, building into a red-faced, two-minute eruption that reverberated into the hallway outside his office at Busch Stadium following a 4-3 loss to the St. Louis Cardinals.

”We had many chances today again and we had many chances Sunday against Cincinnati, and it’s the same result!” he said. ”If we had played ball like this all year, we wouldn’t be here playing for a championship! We’d be playing a spoiler role for somebody else!

”I know we’re trying. I’ve got no complaints about with the effort. But you’ve got to get the job done! We can talk about having fun. We can talk about relaxing. But you’ve got to get your damn shirts rolled up and go out and kick somebody’s ass! That’s what you’ve got to do! Period!”

Well damn, Lou!  I’m glad to see you’re finally starting to get as fed up with this as the fans are.  I almost mistook you for Dusty out there the last week or two.  I mentioned it a few days ago, that he had the perfect opportunity to fire up his team when the ump blew a missed tag on Ronny Cedeno at home plate.  Let’s just hope this outburst does the trick, and it wasn’t too little, too late.

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I Just Don’t Get It

Posted by Pun on September 10, 2008

Why, Lou, why?  Or maybe this is on Ryan Dempster, but either way, why on Earth would you pitch to Albert Pujols with a 3-0 lead late in the game with first base open?  As you can tell by my frustration, the Cubs let another win (and a chance to widen their lead on the NL Central, but I’ll get to that) slip away, by allowing a home run to Albert Pujols in the sixth to tie the game.

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