3 Men, a Blind Guy, and a Humorless Yankee Fan – A Sports Blog for the Ages

About Us

Welcome to the newest blog on the Interwebs, 3 Men and a Blind Guy. Here you will find sports related rants from Fred Solomon (Solly), Nate Corbitt (Pun), Mike Watson (TarHeel Mike, Mikey), and John Roberts (Moose – the “Blind Guy”).  Also joining the quartet – making it a quintet, I guess – is Chris “Lucky” Lopez (the humorless Yankees fan).

Having grown up in Jersey, Solly is a diehard Mets fan now living in San Diego.  Willie Randolph is his bestest good manager ever, yes?  He thinks the ’86 Mets are the greatest team in sports history.  Also a New York FOOTBALL Giants fan, because everyone still thinks the baseball team plays at Coogan’s Bluff, and a New Jersey Devils fan.  Would gladly have gay sex with Sly Stallone… and would ask Mikey to film it.

Pun is the ringleader of this operation and is the biggest Cubs fan any of us have ever come across.  He has forced this curse on his two children, the nursery at his North Carolina home painted red, white, and blue with Cubs logos on the walls.  Despite his team’s century of misery, Pun remains optimistic that THIS is the year for the Cubbies.  If there was a rec league softball hall of fame, he would go in as a manager.

Mikey will watch just about any kind of sport there is – from his college hoops fanaticism all the way down to NCAA women’s softball… if he’s drunk enough.  He lives and dies with his beloved North Carolina Tar Heels, even though he got turned down to attend there.  Huge Carolina Hurricanes hockey fan, and is an avid fan of the Atlanta Braves and his hometown Montgomery Biscuits – Tampa’s AA affiliate.  Trying to raise his daughter to love sports, his favorite movies, and to be a princess all at the same time.

Moose is legally blind, but that doesn’t stop him from seeing everything HIS way.  He is the most ornery of the crew, ready to rant on a variety of sports topics that bug him (see: Bonds, Barry; ESPN, any New York baseball team) at a moment’s notice.  Having grown up a Philly fan of all sports, most notably his Philadelphia Phillies, living outside Detroit now has conflicted his interests… a conflict that all of us love to shove in his face.  Antlers are detachable.

Lucky is our resident humorless Yankees fan – we tolerate him anyway.  Liable to drop a 25 paragraph rant at a moment’s notice, Lucky is semi-famous for going to literary sports battle with anyone who disagrees with his well-thought out points and mind-numbing statistics such as VORP, CERA, and anything with a ratio in it.  To balance out his fandom, he also cheers for the New York Rangers, Jets, and Knicks.  At least passively, and can you blame him?  Produces his best work when drunk and/or having been awake for 40+ hours.

5 Responses to “About Us”

  1. Pun said

    How did Solly get top billing over me? 😉

    And I do play softball, too. I don’t just manage.

  2. mooseheadjack13 said

    if everyone would see things my way (through one eye mostly) the world would be a better place

  3. tarheelmike82 said

    Solly got billing over you because that’s how you had them listed in the first place.

  4. Joe said

    I have question for you guys. Can you contact me at joe@sportsblognet.com

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