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Posts Tagged ‘Sheets’

Ahem……Part 2

Posted by Pun on July 10, 2008

In the same blog I mentioned yesterday, I said this:

Like I said before, while this does make the Brewers a threat, it, in no way, guarantees them the Division crown.  CC can’t pitch a complete game every time out.  It’s gotta be handed over to the bullpen sometime.  And that Brewers ‘pen is suspect at best.

Surely enough, last night, Ben Sheets gave the Brewers a chance to win, exiting in the 6th inning trailing by only one run.  The bullpen allowed the Rockies to blow it wide open, though.  This is from the MLB.com article recapping the game.

Sheets was very good on Wednesday, according to Brewers manager Ned Yost, despite taking his second loss in three starts after beginning the year 9-1.

So good that when the first postgame question was about slumping Brewers reliever Guillermo Mota, who surrendered four runs and let the game get away in the eighth inning, Yost eventually answered like this:

“Benny Sheets pitched a great game tonight,” Yost said, ignoring the question. “He was on top of his game. Eleven strikeouts. His ‘stuff’ was tremendous.”

Wow…..just wow!  When your manager is blatantly ignoring the glaring issues with the bullpen, you have some serious issues.  The Brewers better do something fast, or they won’t even pass the Cardinals for the Wild Card, even though Mark Mulder is most likely done.

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