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Posts Tagged ‘Tiger Woods’

Random Moosings II

Posted by mooseheadjack13 on June 17, 2008

Couple of things I forgot to write about yesterday, so that gives me a reason to write again today.

np: Through the Fire and the Flames – Dragonforce – not sure if this qualifies as speed metal or not, but it is some of the fastest, understandable metal I have heard in a long time. Good way to start the day,

Must be a New York Thing: First you have the New York Knicks doing their damnedest to wrestle the title of “worst run franchise ever” away from the Arizona Cardinals, and now it appears that you have the Mets throwing their hat into the ring for that competition as well. Last night, the Mets fired Willie Randolph. That comes as no surprise, Willie was on life support (and based on his lack of expression or pulse in the dugout, I think he may have been that way for a whole lot of years) and the firing was inevitable. But what makes me laugh is the timing of the whole thing, I am not sure the Mets could have handled this any worse than they did. They decided not to fire Willie after a horrific 3-7 road trip that saw them get swept by the Padres (scoring only 9 runs in 4 games) and drop two of three to the Diamondbacks. No, that might have made some sense. Instead they wait till after the Mets come home and take two of three against the Rangers, then go out west and WIN their game against the first place Angels. You let the manager get on the plane and go all the way across the country, he wins the game, talks to reporters after the game, THEN gets fired? Via a press release? That is bush league right there. Is Eric Bischoff running the Mets? Did they fire Willie via fax? Again, I hate the Mets more than any other team not named the Yankees, and Willie’s firing was deserved. The Mets were a slightly respectable 84-78 in their last 162 (they had been flirting with .500 for several weeks over that span – for the record, the Phillies are 94-68 in that same span) which, when you have a payroll of nearly 140 million is pretty hard to swallow. Jerry Manuel takes over this team, and from what I hear, he has just about as much of a pulse as Willie did. I just can’t see the Mets going on a hot streak in the second half, this team has no heart, and I really don’t think this is what is going to shake them up.

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